Digitaqua allows the testing and development of solutions, applied to fish and shrimp aquaculture in production scenarios close to real conditions


The Test Bed provides tailored services to participating companies, including demonstrations, experimentation, testing, and training. These services are customizable based on the unique needs of each company. DigitAQUA will test your value propositions very close to practical fish
and shrimp farming conditions.


The Test Bed provides physical resources and human expertise for testing, Demonstration, Experimentation, and Training in the field of aquaculture. It benefits from RIASEARCH´s expertise in fish & shrimp rearing, feeding and nutrition.

Valuable partners for the development of our projects

DigitAQUA will test your value propositions very close to practical fish and shrimp farming conditions

The services offered include

Real-time data collection

System testing and validation

Software and sensor validation

Monitoring and control platforms

Interactive reports and predictive models

Technical training, and capacity building

Test and validation of nutrient retention


Renata Serradeiro


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Renata Serradeiro is a Biologist, graduated in Aquatic Sciences (ICBAS, University of Porto, Portugal).

Renata has more than 20 years of expertise in the aquaculture industry, holding various management positions, such as R&D, production, and general manager.

She has been responsible for design and implementation of several RAS systems for marine fish species and shrimp.

In 2016 Renata created Riasearch. As an expert in aquaculture industry, she brings know-how  to projects in the areas of fish larval rearing,  grow-out, RAS technology, and interaction between nutrition, stress, growth, and fish welfare.

Rui Miranda Rocha


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Rui is a Marine Biologist with specialization in Aquaculture (University of Algarve, Portugal) and holds a PhD in Biology and Applied Biosciences from the University of Aveiro (Portugal).

Managing Partner at RIASEARCH. He coordinates the contract-research trials and R&D projects and manages exploitation of their results.

Expertise in sustainable aquaculture practices, interaction between nutrition, stress, growth, and fish welfare, and RAS technology.

Rui has also been involved in several projects aiming at the sustainable development of aquaculture in developing countries.

Jorge Dias


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Jorge is a Marine Biologist and holds a MSc in Food Technology (University of Bordeaux, France) and a PhD in Fish Nutrition from the University of Porto (Portugal).

Managing Partner at RIASEARCH. He is responsible for the scientific management and supervision of contract research services.

Expertise in feed formulation, extrusion technology, nutritional requirements of fish and shrimp and practical application of feed ingredients and additives in aquaculture.

Luis Conceição


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Luis is a Biologist and holds a MSc in Aquatic Environment Sciences (ICBAS, University of Porto, Portugal), a MSc in Aquaculture, and PhD in Fish Nutrition from Wageningen University (The Netherlands).

He is responsible for coordinating the R&D projects of RIASEARCH and manages the exploitation of their results.

Expertise fish and shrimp larvae nutrition, sustainable aquaculture practices, mechanistic modelling of fish metabolism and growth, and interaction between nutrition, stress, growth, and fish welfare.

Adriana Laranjeira

Head of Aquatic Research Facilities

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Adriana holds a MSc in Marine Biology from the University of Aveiro (Portugal).

She is responsible for the Aquatic Research Facility at RIASEARCH.

Has relevant knowledge on fish and shrimp zootechnics, sampling procedures and data analysis, obtained through more than 10 years of experience in the aquaculture production sector and related R&D activities.

André Barreto

Project Coordinator 

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André is a Biologist, holds a MSc in Aquaculture (University of Algarve, Portugal) and is a PhD student in Aquaculture nutrition and animal welfare from the University of Porto (Portugal).

He participates in the planning and execution of experimental trials, data analysis and project management at RIASEARCH.

Has relevant knowledge in welfare, nutrition and zootechnics of fish and shrimp, at different stages of the life cycle.

Daniel Jerónimo

Project Coordinator 

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Daniel is a Marine Biologist and holds a MSc in Biological Aquatic Resources (University of Porto, Portugal) and a PhD in Marine Science, Technology and Management (DO*MAR) from the University of Aveiro (Portugal).

He is a project manager/researcher responsible for the planning, execution and data analysis of the contract-research trials and R&D projects performed at RIASEARCH.

Expertise in sustainable aquaculture practices, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), bioremediation of aquaculture effluents, fish/shrimp - growth, health and welfare, RAS technology.

Bruna Silva


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Bruna is a Marine Biologist and holds a MSc in Marine Resources - Marine Ecology (ICBAS, University of Porto, Portugal).

She is a researcher and gives support in the planning, execution and data analysis of the contract-research trials and R&D projects performed at RIASEARCH.

She has significant experience in the aquaculture productive sector, namely in larviculture and live feeds, fish/shrimp – growth and welfare, RAS technology.

Rita Ferreira


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Rita is a Biologist holding a BSc in Biology (University of Aveiro, Portugal).

She carries out the management of experimental systems, particularly the control of RAS water quality, species health status, feeding and sampling procedures. Additionally, she assists all the processes behind the experimental trials in RiaSearch

Carla Teixeira

Veterinary Medicine

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Carla Teixeira holds a MSc in Veterinary Medicine (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal) and a PhD in Animal Science (University of Porto (Portugal).

Her expertise is related to fish and shrimp welfare and nutrition. Her research studies are related to intestinal integrity and homeostasis, diet-intestine interactions and intestinal microbiota diversity.

She gives support in the planning, execution and data analysis of the contract-research trials and R&D projects performed at RIASEARCH.

José Couto

Aquaculture technician

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José is an Aquaculture technician with more than 25 years of experience in fish husbandry and system design and implementation.

He is the maintenance responsible at Riasearch. He also gives support in all the processes behind the experimental trials.

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Contract-research services for the aquaculture industry

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